Thursday, June 28, 2012

Hollering Under Bridges

Up until about a month or so ago I ran mostly in the afternoons after work.  This schedule allowed me to not only get a full day in at the office but to also get my runs in and take care of my toddling son when Minnie went to work. I loved spending this time with him. He quickly got into the habit of waving at everyone from his seat in the jogger while eating his tortilla chips or playing his harmonica. We chased squirrels and pointed out every dog or child that we saw on the trail. We stopped on the side of the trail and cheered cyclists and swimmers during the most recent Capitol of Texas Triathlon. We hollered as we ran underneath bridges to hear the echo. We stretched together when we were done. I figured that I was getting tougher by pushing him and that it was good for him see his daddy running and to be around so many other friendly exercising people. I felt like I had found a nice balance.

Then it started getting hot.
Because of the Austin heat I have been running early in the morning before my son is up for the past month or so. I love getting good cooler runs in without pushing the jogger. I love being able to actually swing my arms while I move. But I miss running with my boy. I miss getting his chips ready and making sure that he has his little water bottle and harmonica. I miss how excited he gets when I tell him we are going to the trail. I miss pulling his jogger out of the trunk of the car and limbering up next to the tennis courts while he yells at the old people chasing balls. I miss people smiling at him while we run. I miss our little trail adventures. I miss how sweet he looks when he tries to stretch with me after we have finished. I miss how he bangs his head to "Ramble On" when we get into the car to go home.

I think that I will incorporate him back into at least one of my workouts each week.